Articles (Page 4)

Nobody expected this pandemic, and it has hit us hard. At first, it was thought that the novel coronavirus is comparable to the flu, but research has shown that it could lead to lasting lung damage and even attack the central nervous system (CNS). Measures to counter the spread range from Sweden’s compliance-based system to Italy’s total lockdown. Unemployment in the United States has risen to 22 million, in Germany studies on the economic impact of the pandemic claim that the economic damage to Germany could be between 7.2-20.6% of GDP. I hope and strongly believe that humanity will come out of this crisis stronger and that these six lessons will be partRead More →

School of War has been around since 2018. Loyal readers will think of it as a blog with a focus on wargaming. This was never my intention. In the beginning, I had a feeling where I wanted to take School of War, but I couldn’t verbalize it. The easiest way for me to express this feeling was by writing about wargaming, as it felt somehow right to do that. However, School of War was supposed to be more. 2019 gave me the chance to try a few new things on and off this blog. I had the chance to reflect on School of War overRead More →

Disclaimer: I was provided with review copies of both nation packs as well as the original game earlier. This is a review of the Nation Packs Italy & Yugoslavia, Belgium & France and the updates to the base game that came with them. For more information on Armored Brigade, see my review of the base game here. This year saw the release of two nation packs for Armored Brigade, the first one being Nation Pack Italy & Yugoslavia in May and Belgium & France following in October/November. According to Matrix Games, over 250 new units and aircraft covering a timeframe from 1965-1991 are added byRead More →