Published Works

This is a collection of articles etc. I have published on other platforms. The Wonders of Foreign Travel – Travelling to foreign countries is a wonderful way of widening our horizon. I think we should do it much more, in order to get a better understanding of our fellow human beings. Institution Building in Iraq […]

2018 Reading List

I am super late to the game. You might have noticed that we have 2020 now and this post is over a year too late. I am sorry for that. I wrote this post, let it sit around in my (now improved but formerly less-than-effective) folder structure and forgot about it. I still think it […]

Opportunities out of Challenges

Nobody expected this pandemic, and it has hit us hard. At first, it was thought that the novel coronavirus is comparable to the flu, but research has shown that it could lead to lasting lung damage and even attack the central nervous system (CNS). Measures to counter the spread range from Sweden’s compliance-based system to Italy’s total lockdown. Unemployment in the United […]