A New Direction for School of War in 2020

School of War has been around since 2018. Loyal readers will think of it as a blog with a focus on wargaming. This was never my intention. In the beginning, I had a feeling where I wanted to take School of War, but I couldn’t verbalize it. The easiest way for me to express this […]

Armored Brigade Nation Packs Italy & Yugoslavia, Belgium & France

Disclaimer: I was provided with review copies of both nation packs as well as the original game earlier. This is a review of the Nation Packs Italy & Yugoslavia, Belgium & France and the updates to the base game that came with them. For more information on Armored Brigade, see my review of the base […]

Deliberate Practice and Tactical Excellence

Being part of a profession where making mistakes often leads to the death of people, excellence in tactical and operational art is paramount. However, we are often hampered by bureaucracy and a busy schedule that does not leave much time for skill development. Another problem is that even if we find the time to dedicate […]