Articles (Page 11)

TL;DR: Wargames are a great way of learning about history and the conduct of warfare on all levels (tactics, operations, strategy) in a simple, safe, easy to setup environment. This is a multi-post series that presents some wargames. This article focuses on strategic wargames. You can find the rest of the series here: Part 1: Introduction Part 2: Historical Wargames Part 3: Tactical Wargames Part 4: Operational Wargames Part 5: Strategic Wargames Part 6: Conclusion Strategy often comes too short when conducting professional training. Apparently, it is the least important aspect of warfare for officers, as field grade officers are busy with tactics, staff officersRead More →

TL;DR: Wargames are a great way of learning about history and the conduct of warfare on all levels (tactics, operations, strategy) in a simple, safe, easy to setup environment. This is a multi-post series that presents some wargames. This article focuses on operational wargames. You can find the rest of the series here: Part 1: Introduction Part 2: Historical Wargames Part 3: Tactical Wargames Part 4: Operational Wargames Part 5: Strategic Wargames Part 6: Conclusion „Parallel to and reflecting this framework for operations are organized elements within the armed forces which prepare for and conduct operations at various levels of war. While there is aRead More →

TL;DR: Wargames are a great way of learning about history and the conduct of warfare on all levels (tactics, operations, strategy) in a simple, safe, easy to setup environment. This is a multi-post series that presents some wargames. This article focuses on tactical wargames. You can find the rest of the series here: Part 1: Introduction Part 2: Historical Wargames Part 3: Tactical Wargames Part 4: Operational Wargames Part 5: Strategic Wargames Part 6: Conclusion Tactics is the lowest level of military operations, it is the art of winning battles. Tactics is applied advanced geometry coupled with chemistry and medicine. The scope of tactics canRead More →