Building the Elite

The first book I ever bought on military fitness was The Complete Guide to Navy SEAL Fitness by former Navy SEAL Stew Smith. I was a teenager, maybe 15 or 16 years old, and for me, the Navy SEALs were the epitome of physical fitness and preparation. The book contained sections on nutrition, stretching, a collection of different […]
A Collection on Mindset & Warfare

Over the years I have read and listened to a lot of resources that have influenced the way I think about mindset, specifically the right mindset to solve problems in human violence. I think it is important to understand why some individuals and units can create a culture that sets them up for success in […]
Tactical Decision Games via Combat Commander: Europe

Tactical Decision Games (TDGs, also known as Sandbox Exercises, Tactical Vignettes and a myriad of other names) are an important part of professional military education. Military professionals at all levels have to constantly practice decision making in tactical situations in order to sharpen their judgment and also widen their horizon. USMC Major John F. Schmitt […]